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INNOWTECH participated in the DEM21

3 days of international conference on the challenges of nuclear decommissioning organised by the SFEN, French Society of Nuclear Energy.

It is a unique opportunity to share our experience in the field of decommissioning and to exchange with the main actors of this sector of activity. It was held on 13, 14 and 15 September 2021 at the Palais des Papes in Avignon, a historic city centre location.

Victor SPIELMANN, a doctoral student on a CIFRE thesis at INNOWTECH, spoke about the development of a solution for characterising radioactive waste drums while reducing the measurement uncertainty associated with the activity of the packages. The aim is to obtain an exploitable and reliable cartography.

Asénath, a doctor in nuclear physics at INNOWTECH, also took the floor. During her thesis, she developed skills and a particular attraction for instrumentation. Today, she uses her skills in the development and integration of appropriate instrumentation of robot-sensors, innovative robotic measurement solutions at INNOWTECH. 

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