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INNOWTECH unveils its partnership with Pascal Morel, Business Angel

Following its first round of funding, INNOWTECH unveils its association with Pascal Morel, Business Angel who offers his entrepreneurial experience and network to innovative start-ups and VSEs.
A new skill full of resources and experience that will allow us to expand our activity and continue our growth.
Here are a few lines about Pascal Morel and his role within INNOWTECH:

“For nearly 30 years of professional career, I have had the opportunity to work in large groups (VINCI, SIEMENS, ENGIE) as well as in SMEs / ETIs (CERBERUS GUINARD, SPIRAL INGENIERIE). It was a great opportunity to evolve both in terms of personal skills and know-how (technical, managerial, commercial and business management skills, etc.).

This first part of my career enabled me to acquire a certain amount of professional and personal experience, which allowed me to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure with two partners in 2007.
We founded the Ecia Group (intellectual services activity) and this allowed me to experience all the stages of a company’s evolution (from a blank sheet of paper to the doors of an ETI) which we sold in 2019 to a subsidiary of the ENGIE Group.

What motivated me to join INNOWTECH? Above all, the human values of its President Alain Godot and the complementarity of our skills. We share the same foundations and values of the “entrepreneurial sphere” through a sustainable strategy.
INNOWTECH is now mature enough to move from the status of a start-up to an innovative VSE and beyond.
Finally, INNOWTECH fulfils a pious wish of our sectors with a highly constrained environment, zero human intervention!

My goal is therefore to accompany INNOWTECH in the anticipation of its structuring with regard to its development, to boost customer relations by being pro-active in its market positioning, to diversify the positioning of INNOWTECH’s sectors of activity and finally to contribute to our social and environmental responsibility in our ecosystem and its economic basins of intervention.”

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