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Quality management : one of INNOWTECH’s challenges

As part of INNOWTECH’s development and with the aim of obtaining ISO 9001 quality management certification, we have welcomed Ikram, who is currently studying for a Master’s degree at the IAE in Toulon. She is following a course specialising in quality and sustainable development management and will help us to set up a quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard. 

ISO 9001 certification is a quality management standard. It provides a company with a guarantee in terms of organisational quality within any type of structure. 

It is based on various approaches, including customer orientation, leadership, collaboration, relationship management, process approach, etc.

This certification will bring a number of benefits to INNOWTECH, including the conquest of new markets, more efficient working methods and meeting the expectations of our customers. 

A new goal for 2022! 

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