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INNOWTECH at CES in Las Vegas

INNOWTECH participated in CES 2021, the Customer Electronics Show, the most important exhibition dedicated to technological innovation in electronics.  Exceptionally this year, Las Vegas did not host the CES 2021 participants. It took place 100% digitally from 11 to 14 January.  This world show allowed INNOWTECH to present our ReCOVery robot: an autonomous robot capable…

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Innovation meetings in Occitania

The INNOWTECH team was present at the Occitanie innovation meetings: Occitanie Innov.  A day to meet all the partners of your future innovation projects!  The AD’OCC agency, in charge of the economic development of the Occitanie Region, organised this year a 100% digital edition of the Occitanie Innov trade show on February 4th 2021. Entirely…

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China: a land of opportunity

For the 9th consecutive year, the French Tech Tour China returns to allow 8 companies from the Tech and Industry sectors to seize opportunities in China and thus define their international strategy. INNOWTECH, selected by a jury of French and Chinese experts, is one of the 8 companies chosen for an immersion in the Chinese…

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The Occitane Ambassadors’ Gala

The Occitanie Ambassadors’ Gala was renewed this year to offer a 100% digital event. Thus, the round tables were organised on a TV set to be broadcast live and replayed on different platforms.  During one of the round tables, INNOWTECH was able to present the Recovery project, a disinfection and decontamination robot that was created…

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How do you perceive your environment?

Two main techniques are used to render a digital environment:  The use of cameras allows colour information to be obtained according to the camera plane. The use of Lidar allows an environment to be sampled by providing the position of points in the environment relative to the sensor.  Hybrid sensors are now available to obtain…